Pet Food Packaging: 3 Trends To Follow In 2022

June 03,2021

The pet food industry is highly competitive. Changing market conditions and consumer values are changing the face of increasingly diverse pet food shelves. Since handmade, local and global brands all share the same supermarket shelf, pet food packaging can determine consumers' purchasing decisions. Since packaging is usually the last step in the customer's buying journey, it should not only be functional, but also eye-catching and innovative. So, what is the best way to distinguish yourself? Below are some common pet food packaging trends being implemented by successful brands.



In pet care, sustainability is still a factor in consumer behavior, with 75% of consumers saying that they would prefer brands with more sustainable packaging. Consumers are increasingly paying attention to ensuring that the products they buy are produced in an ethical and sustainable manner. For pet food packaging, this means an increase in the use of biodegradable and recyclable materials.


The challenge for manufacturers is that sustainability often conflicts with other packaging trends. Not all environmentally friendly packaging materials provide the best quality, durability, and food safety features required by pet food manufacturers. One sustainable option that has proven to be the most effective is recyclable plastic. Compared with traditional paper bags and mixed plastic pet food bags, recyclable plastics have the same or even better barrier properties, which can meet the storage requirements of manufacturers and the environmental protection requirements of customers. In addition to improving the recyclability of their packaging, successful brands also provide clear recycling instructions and encourage their end users to participate in recycling programs.


Quality packaging
As the humanization of pets continues to spread, pet owners want their animals to eat as healthy as they do. According to statistics, more than 40% of pet owners now buy high-quality pet food for their cats or dogs. As more and more brands launch high-quality pet food series, these products require high-quality packaging to protect and preserve their ingredients.


Flexible packaging is one of the most widely used forms in the pet food packaging industry. It has high barrier properties, high temperature resistance and good durability, while being cost-effective. High-quality pet food ingredients require good barrier properties to maintain their nutritional and health benefits. Flexible packaging film prevents the transfer of aroma, moisture and oxygen, thereby extending the shelf life of pet food. Pouches equipped with resealing technology also help to maintain the best freshness of high-quality pet food.


The eye-catching graphics, high-quality printing technology and unique material finishes all indicate to consumers that they are buying quality products. Popular surface enhancement options such as paper-feel varnish, soft matte finish, high gloss or partial register varnish provide consumers with a visual and tactile experience and provide brand owners with more opportunities to stand out in the retail environment.


Resealability, product freshness and ease of use are all factors to consider when choosing pet food packaging. Now, pet owners are pushing the pet food industry's need for convenience more than ever. To this end, many successful pet food brands are adopting forms and functions commonly used in the snack food industry, such as stand-up pouches, resealable zippers, and tear openings.


The resealing technology not only maintains the freshness of pet food, but also resonates with consumers who are looking for convenience features that facilitate feeding times. 50% of pet owners who buy high-quality pet food said they are dissatisfied with the inability to reseal the package after opening. If the bag is damaged when it is opened or it is difficult for pet owners to reseal between feedings, they may affect the freshness of the product. When developing packaging for their pet food, brands must choose reliable and convenient features, such as easy opening and resealability.


Although this is a driving factor when considering purchases, convenience is not just for end users. In order to ensure that the production and distribution of its products are streamlined, brands should require packaging not only to maintain its functionality and consumer appeal in a demanding supply chain environment, but also to achieve efficient manufacturing throughout the entire filling and transportation process.


Look to the future
With changes in consumer attitudes and requirements, pet care trends may change again, but the demand for convenience, sustainability, and high-quality packaging is likely to affect brands' choice of pet food packaging in the next few years.

If you are a pet food brand and need advice on your packaging, please contact us. A member of our team is happy to help.

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